Skin Checks

A man's back is covered in moles and freckles

Skin checks in Mandurah

Perth is blessed to be one of the sunniest cities in the world. But the flip side to this means that we’re also exposed to the sun far more often—which means more opportunity for skin damage from harmful UV rays.

It’s no secret that Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, with more than two in three Australians being diagnosed with skin cancer at some point in their life. 

That’s why skin checks are so important. 

Getting a regular skin check provides you with the opportunity for early detection of any potential skin cancers, ensuring you can get treatment before they become serious.

Book a mole check with one of our GPs

You already slip, slop, slap, seek, and slide, but getting a regular skin check is your best chance of spotting skin cancers early.

So don’t let your skin be an afterthought. Get in touch with us to book a skin check with our Mandurah GPs.

What does a skin check involve?

A skin check is actually a simple process, and on average usually takes around 15 – 30 minutes. They can be easily incorporated into a general check-up with your GP. 

Our skin cancer checks are thorough, and cover your entire body. After all, skin cancer doesn’t just target specific places—it can show up everywhere.

Your GP uses a hand-held device that illuminates and magnifies your skin. Known as a dermoscopy, this provides us with a detailed view of your skin.

We’ll inspect your freckles and moles, taking a closer look at your hair follicles and capillaries for any irregularities.

You typically don’t need to provide any samples or specimens, and there’s no invasive procedures. It’s a simple check to ensure there are no areas of concern.

If there are, your GP will provide you with a referral to a specialist, to help you get the care you need.

What are the biggest risks for skin cancer?

Unfortunately, some people are more susceptible to skin cancers than others. The people most at risk of skin cancers usually have one or a combination of the following factors:

  • Pale skin
  • Advancing age (as your skin receives more damage, the greater your chances of this damage developing into a cancer)
  • A history of severe sunburn
  • A history of skin cancers
  • Family history of melanoma
  • Moles already on your body
  • A history of strange-looking moles appearing on your body