Mental Health Mandurah

Mental Health Mandurah

Mental health services in Mandurah

In Australia, 42.9% of people aged 16-85 will experience a mental health issue at some point in their lives. This is why it’s so critical that Mandurah counselling services are available.

At Brecken Health, our Mandurah mental health services focus on providing comprehensive health care. Not just for physical health but also for mental health.

Our team of compassionate mental health professionals provides care and support, covering a range of needs. 

We get to know and work with you to create a personalised plan. We want to support your mental health so you can navigate life’s challenges with resilience.

We provide in-depth care for a range of mental health needs, including:

Individual counselling, Mandurah

If you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, stress, and other challenges, we can help. We provide private and confidential one-on-one counselling sessions. We help you talk through your headspace and help promote better mental health.

Stress management

We all experience stress, but some people are more affected by it than others. Get the support and tools you need to deal with stress healthily and productively.

Anger management

We offer therapeutic interventions and coping strategies for people dealing with anger management issues. We help you with the techniques to deal with and express emotions in a more manageable way.

Substance abuse counselling

We can help you identify the underlying factors contributing to addictive behaviours. We also refer you to specialist services that help you manage substance abuse issues.

Mental health first aid

When a loved one is experiencing a mental health situation, it can be confronting. We provide access and referral to mental health first aid training. We want to ensure you’re prepared and confident to support your loved ones until they get the correct clinical support.

Telehealth services

You don’t have to visit us in person if you don’t want to. Our virtual mental health services ensure accessibility and convenience. You can get the support you need from the comfort of your own home.

Book an appointment today

Brecken Health Mandurah provides a safe, inclusive space where people can explore, understand, and manage mental health challenges.

Dr Ooi is our mental health specialist. Originally from Malaysia, where she completed her medical degree in 2000. She has worked as a full-time General Practitioner since 2006 and is keenly interested in Women’s Health and Mental Health.

If you need more information

Contact our team to book your appointment today. Start your journey towards improving your mental and emotional well-being.