See a men’s health GP in Mandurah
For many men, booking in to see a doctor isn’t top of their priority list. But it should be.
At Brecken Health Mandurah, we make it easy for you to make your health a priority. Our dedicated team of doctors provides comprehensive, personalised care to support men’s well-being.
From general check-ups, to sexual health, mental health, and more, we provide you with the support and guidance you need to keep living an active, fulfilling life.
We can support you with a range of health needs, including:
- Comprehensive men’s health checkups. Our thorough health assessments for men include blood pressure, cholesterol, cardiovascular health, and prostate health screenings, ensuring early detection of any potential issues.
- Mental health. In Australia, one in seven men will experience depression in their lifetime. Mental health support is just as important as physical health. Our experienced team ensures you can get access to the support you or a loved one needs.
- Preventative care. We provide advice on lifestyle factors that impact your health, including quitting smoking, alcohol moderation, stress management, and guidance on maintaining a healthy weight and diet.
- Prostate health management. When it comes to prostate health, precautionary care can be a lifesaver. Our team specialises in prostate health, offering screenings, diagnosis, and treatment options to detect potential abnormalities and tumours before they become an issue.
- Sexual health services. Sexual health issues, whether it’s erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or low sex drive, are a lot more common than many men realise. We offer a range of effective treatment options, discussing your situation with discretion and care, to help you gain your confidence back.
- Urological concerns. Our urologists can diagnose and treat a range of urinary and reproductive system issues, from kidney stones to infertility concerns.
Book an appointment with a men’s health GP
At Brecken Health, our goal is to provide comprehensive health services in a welcoming, empathetic, and supportive environment.
So if you’ve got any concerns, or just want to stay on top of your health, book an appointment today with Brecken Health Mandurah.